When I saw the poster, the trailer and read about the plot, my brother and I were worried if this film will ruin our childhood and look on Disney parks and being a big Disney fan and critic of the family, I decided to be the first one in my family to watch this film and review it. Is it scary, will it destroy our outlook on Disney Parks, let's talk about the plot. Basically it's about a family who go to Disney World (And I guess they go to Disneyland too, because there's footage of them in Disneyland, which I'm positive that it's a flaw) and weird things begin to happen to the Father. That's your plot.
Our main characters, while being well acted, they're actually boring and not interesting. The main character is the Father and while he has more character then his bland family, he's still not interesting. We know a little about his back story and we find out that he loses his job at the beginning, which he hides from the family and he has a weird imagination, however, with all that he's still not interesting. He's really just a bore. He's also unlikable since he cheats on his Wife and follows chicks around the park, he curses in front of his kids and nearly ruins their visit with his perverted comments, drinking and being very selfish. Yeah he loves his kids but that aspect is done in a very very dull way. All I can say is, I can careless about this family and main character.
The film itself has no atmosphere, it's not scary nor is it funny, it's just bland, boring and is all executed very poorly. Even the use of Black & White cinematography didn't create a scary, weird or realistic feel to the film, it's just bland. What the film offers is we get two weird French Girls, strange visions on rides, a disease in the park, a secret inside Spaceship Earth, a princess prostitution ring and that's it. It may sound interesting or disturbing when you read it but how it is all executed on film is done very poorly. The two French Girls are just there, the whole disease thing doesn't have any build up, the princess prostitution ring was more stupid then scary or disturbing, the strange visions on rides wasn't as interesting as it sounds and the whole secret inside Spaceship Earth was pointless but in a way it was cool.
This whole film is just a bland and uninteresting what the hell type of film. It's all boring from beginning to end, none of it is scary and if I want to see something both funny and dark on a Disney Park, I'll watch the skit from "Mad TV" which is more entertaining than this film.
Oh and to see the skit, click on the link, it's probably the funniest dark take on Disney in general.
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