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Friday, January 24, 2014


Directed by Mike Nichols and written by Carrie Fisher that's based on her life, "Postcard's From The Edge" stars Meryl Streep as drug addicted actress Suzanne Vale (Based on Carrie Fisher). One day, she almost dies of an overdose and is taken to a rehab. She leaves the rehab after a while but by order for her to continue her work as a star she must not only give up drugs but she also has to live with her mother Doris Mann (Based on Debbie Reynolds) played by Shirley MacLaine. However she hates dealing with her Mother since she lives in her shadow, never lets her grow up and is an alcoholic.


The performances from our two leads are really great and do indeed resemble the fictional and comedic counterparts of Fisher and Reynolds. Meryl Streep, she's perfect for the role. She looks good, her acting is both fun and realistic, her singing is beautiful and she really makes this character likable and someone you feel bad for as well making you root for her to stop taking drugs and get passed being in her Mother's shadow. It's really a magnificent performance and is indeed one of her best. Shirley MacLaine as the mother, she honestly does remind me of Debbie Reynolds by looking and acting like her as well as bringing her flamboyant charm. She seriously does bring a lot of nostalgia to the old days of this characters career and seeing her as this aging star who is still loved by thousands that grew up with her, really makes me believe that she is this comedic counterpart to Debbie Reynolds then just pretending or playing the part. The best scenes with these actresses are whenever they're together. You do see an interesting relationship between them and none of it feels corny, forced or bland, you actually do feel drawn into their relationship with through their believable chemistry. Every scene with them together is just gold and what makes the film so great. 

Aside from these two great performances, the rest of the film is ok. The supporting cast such as Dennis Quaid, Richard Dreyfuss, Rob Reiner, Gene Hackman, Simon Callow and Mary Wicks are good and fun for their parts but they're really not all that amusing or interesting as our two leads. The humor can be funny especially with the concept of making fun of two real life celebrities but it's not really laugh out loud funny. To be honest, the only scenes I laughed at was the opening, the scene when Suzanne has a gun, a fan telling the Mother how much he loves her, Suzanne hanging on the ledge of a building and that's pretty much it. The film also doesn't use that many great visuals, interesting filming techniques, nor is it heavy with atmosphere, it feels kind of bland. The only sequences I enjoyed was the dream sequence and the musical numbers between our two main characters especially the number that closes out the film. 

The film wasn't as amazing or as funny as I thought it was going to be but what really holds the film up is the two main characters who are extremely well acted, greatly casted and have an interesting relationship with so many great scenes with them together. So overall, see it for these two great performances and for this interesting parody on the two stars.


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