The film is your typical Haunted House film. A family moves into a new house, weird and scary things are happening and they hire two ghost hunters to stop the ghosts. Maybe it's nothing that new and even takes elements and cliches from Haunted House films, "The Poltergeist" and "The Exorcist" but it's still a good movie with a creative take on the Haunted House film genre.
The characters in the film aren't that interesting, but with that said, they still are likable and well acted. The family are the victims in this movie and while being just played out as victims, you still care for them, you hope they survive, and while not having anything interesting about them, you still like them. The Ghost Hunters are not that interesting, but again, you still like and care for them in the film and hope they stop the ghost. The only interesting character is the female partner and wife of the Ghost Hunter duo because she can sense and see spirits, but that's about it.
What I really enjoy about the film is the build up to all the weird things happening in the house. You have animals dying out side of the house; a scary doll; a creepy music box; the kids feeling themselves being pulled by a ghost; brief and short appearances of the ghosts; secret rooms; weird noises and voices; clocks stopping at a certain time; things moving; and all of it is great and exciting build up. I also love how the film starts out slow and then gets exciting towards the end, that's a good pace for any horror film in general. The cinematography is really creepy, scary and builds up tension and suspense, but sadly the payoff is either a joke or something not scary, not once was I scared by the surprise. The climax is really good, thrilling, and scary and I love the acting of the mother being possessed. Oh for you gore fans out there, there's very little of it.
While the film has likable characters, a lot of creativity and good suspense the film was rated R because it was too scary. There wasn't any language, nudity, and a tiny bit of gore and believe me this film can pass as a PG-13 film because not only does it not carry rated R elements, but it's not all that scary. However, it's still a good film and it's something that horror fans will enjoy.
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