HA, WE'RE STILL ALIVE! TAKE THAT TO THE PEOPLE WHO THOUGHT AND BELIEVED THE WORLD WAS GONNA END! Okay, now that that's out of the way, here's my review. "Sesame Street" was a big part of our childhood and since I
didn't review a
children show yet, I thought it
be nice to start with the master of all children's shows. What better way to start reviewing a
children show is reviewing a Christmas special.
Since this is a time travel adventure on Christmas, I'm going to break the review into parts, like I did for my review on "Back To The Future". As all good (Or most) time travel adventures start, lets go to the present.
The story is simple, really. Elmo gets a magic snow globe from Santa Claus
and Elmo wishes it was Christmas every day. Santa has a reindeer in training
named Lighting to take Elmo
to the future to show him the consequences of what
he wished for. The story is narrated by Maya
Angelou who gives a great
narration throughout the special.
In the opening scene, it's Christmas Eve on Sesame Street and every Muppet
and human is there singing a jolly Christmas song "It's Christmas
Again". I'm not kidding, almost every character from the late 90s is in
this special such as Big Bird, Snuffy, Cookie Monster, Kermit, The Count,
Grover, Baby Bear, Zoey, Telly, Oscar and our star Elmo. Wait, where's
Bert and Ernie you might ask, oh they're barley in it, shocker isn't it and
they don't even say anything. You also have the human characters who you may
remember growing up with in the 90s such as Bob, Gordon, Maria and Luis and
their daughter Gabi, Mr
.Handford and even the 14 Karat Soul singing
in great
Harmony. All of
them especially Elmo,
are exactly how we know them growing up,
they're sweet, lovable, funny and cute.
Elmo's new friend Lighting is just as lovable as all the other characters on
the show. He's not just a new friend, but he also hopes to one day pull Santa's
Sleigh and if his mission works, he will get the chance.
Lighting is so fast
that he can travel through time like Superman. Yeah, if you weren't too happy
about how Superman saved the world and Lois in the first movie, chances are
you're going to be pissed. Me, I don't find it that big of a deal cause he's
Superman but I'm a bit ticked that they ripped off Superman as well as the
theme song. Santa is played by two time Oscar nominee Charles
Durning whopreviously played the villain Doc Hopper in "The Muppet Movie". His portrayal of
Santa lacks the jolliness in the character, but for some reason I can't
help but feel that his performance brings a bit of a twinkle as he plays Santa.
He also makes me smile and get a bit emotional when he sings the song,
"Every Day Can't Be Christmas", it’s just heartwarming.
Now that the present is covered lets go to Christmas in the FUTURE!
Its Christmas in Spring on “Sesame Street” and almost everyone is happy.
Maria and Luis are happy not to be working;
Count is happy to be
counting Christmas
days; and the choir and the people of "Sesame Street" are singing
"It's Christmas Again" in a Spring time tune. The Easter Bunny (Who
I'm hoping is a mascot) played by Harvey Fierstein brings a fun performance as
he sings and dances, while selling his "Christmas Eggs" to a catchy
song called "Give Your Friend An Easter Egg For Christmas". However,
Grover is nearly out of Christmas Trees and is selling "Previously used
ones" with no needles. Big Bird is sad that Snuffy is spending Christmas
time in another city and keeps writing letters to him however, the Post Office
is closed. This is really sad, but has he tried calling him, he
better be doing that in the next visit. Come on,
It's Christmas in July and everyone seems unhappy, even the
choir who are singing a patriotic Christmas tune of "It's Christmas
Again". Count is getting annoyed of counting Christmas (Shocker); Maria
and Luis want to work again; Grover is making Christmas Trees out of raw
material; Santa and his Elves are stressed ;and Oscar is for once loving
Christmas. This is all sad even if it has funny moments, but lets see how Big
Bird is doing. Finally Big Bird tries to call Snuffy, but he gets an answering
machine, we then go to a sad musical number with Big Bird. He leaves a message
by singing "All I Want For Christmas Is You", looks around at all the
toys he has, but is still very sad and he even dances while leaving the message
telling Snuffy what kind of dance he's doing. This scene is so sad and
depressing that I haven't seen such sadness from Big Bird since he did
"The Blue Bird Of Happiness" act. Well Big Bird can always try him
later. Come on, there's one more Christmas future left to see.
This sequence is so sad, so depressing that I can't even
talk about it or even show a picture. I'm telling you, I haven't seen a broken
down town on Christmas so sad since the "Pottersville" sequence in
"It's A Wonderful Life". It's so sad that Big Bird can never see
Snuffy again. Hold the phone for a second! Did Big Bird try to keep calling
him, if he misses him so much why not go on a journey to the city where Snuffy
is? As a matter a fact, why didn't Snuffy try to call or make a journey to see
Big Bird, Big Bird's always at his nest weeping and trying to contact him.
Some friend Snuffy is, I'd tell Big Bird to forget about him at this

I really don't think I'm giving anything away since the title clearly says
"Elmo Saves Christmas", a clever title would be "How Elmo Ruined
Christmas". Like I said, if you didn't like the ending to the first
Superman movie, you're going to be pissed cause this is the route they take to
save Christmas. Once again, I'm ok with that, however, I do have a few
questions. How did Lighting manage to take Elmo to
same exact spot, same position,
and same clothing he was wearing the night he saved Santa? Did Lighting take
Elmo sometime earlier on Christmas Eve, well if that's the case, shouldn't
there be another Elmo somewhere. Maybe he and Lighting emerged into their past
selves body, but wait, did they also emerge into their
future selves bodies, cause everyone looks like they've seen
Elmo before instead of asking him where he's been?
Also where did Santa
get the Moobunny from, he made it in the future not the present?
Oh by the
way, guess where Snuffy was the whole time? He was in “Sesame Street” cause his Granny came to see him and you didn't see Big Bird
screw it, Snuffy's a nasty friend. I also question why everyone has
to celebrate Christmas every day, is the world going to end if they
don't celebrate? It's not like someone
is making
them celebrate Christmas every day, why not treat it like a normal
day and celebrate Christmas on the day it should be celebrated? Man, no
wonder this film confused me as a kid?
Before I end the review with my final thoughts, I just want to point out I
loved the use of footage from "It's A Wonderful Life". In the
it's on TV all the time on Christmas (Kind of like how "A Christmas
Story" is on TV all the time during Christmas) and not only do they choose
classic clips from the film, but they show them at the right moments. Before
Elmo meets Santa who knows everything about him, he's watching the scene when
George meets his guardian Angel who tells him he knows "Everything about
him". Before Kermit announces its Christmas everyday on the
news, the people at the store are watching George tell Mary what he's going to
do "Tomorrow, the next day, and the year after that" and after the
announcement the TV cuts back to film where George
saying "This is a very
interesting situation". They also play the scene when George is
yelling "Merry Christmas" to everyone when Elmo finds out that
there's nothing else on TV (Really
...okay). The best moment is when Bert and
Ernie are watching a blurry broken TV as they hear their names being
shouted at by George and when they hear their names, they're in shock (I guess they're the only ones who don't know about the film's 24 hour run). The
scene where that scene is taking place is during the "Pottersville"
sequence, while “Sesame Street” and Christmas looks like trash.
The film has tons of plot holes,
betrayal of good characters, makes
you feel puzzled after watching the film, and I still watch it. It's very rare
of me to still like a film or TV show I use to watch as a kid that has tons of
flaws and rubbish such as "Teletubbies",
"Barney","Inspector Gadget The Movie","Scooby Doo The
Movie" and so on, but as flawed as the film is, it still brings that
Christmas feel. The casting of celebrities is fine; the story may not be well
written, but it still manages to get
it's moral across; the songs are
unforgettable; the appearances from The Muppets are fun, cute, and nostalgia; and on a personal note, I wouldn't be watching "It's
A Wonderful Life" as a kid if it wasn't for this film. I also get chills
when all the characters would stand around the Christmas Tree and sing the
classic "Sesame Street" Christmas song "Keep Christmas With
You" and after the credits, you see a classic clip from "It's A
Wonderful Life" and Elmo
wishing you a "Merry Christmas". It's
not great, but it's not terrible either, it’s a love or hate
film but it's
mostly a guilty pleasure.