Yes next to "Refer Madness" this is considered one of the worst anti-drug movies ever made. So what's the plot? A teenager named Michael is abusing drugs and his little sister wants to help him but she can't. Michael is also being followed by an evil puff smoke voiced by legendary actor George C. Scott, who is trying to keep Michael on drugs. It's now up to all the fictional characters from the late 80's and early 90's to help Michael.
Michael and his sister are obviously just cardboard cut outs from most Anti-drug films for kids. It's pointless to talk about them since they're very predictable and average characters with nothing new about them so lets move on. The villain has to be one of the most unconvincing villains I ever seen and to think he's voiced by a great actor is not just sad but it's a complete waste of his talent. Oh and the kids parents, they barley show up and I find it upsetting because in most anti-drug kids films, the parents are the number 1 objective to talk too for help.
The cartoon characters that appear in this film are most of the characters you've seen growing up. We have the Smurfs, Alvin and the Chipmunks, Garfield, Huey, Duey and Louie, the Looney Tunes, Slimer, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Muppet Babies, Winnie the Pooh and friends and for some odd reason Alf is in this too. It may sound epic to see them together but guess what, it's really disturbing, why, because they know about drugs. How could they know about this stuff, they're innocent characters and heroes from imaginary worlds where drugs don't existence and if they know about drugs then that means they must of tried it or worse maybe still use them. If you don't believe me listen to this, Simon knows the smell of Marijuana, Bugs knows what a Joint looks like(I can take the smoking and drinking in the "Looney Tunes" cartoons but drugs goes a bit too far) and most of these characters are over the top and have odd behaviors in their worlds, there is no doubt about it that this film not only proves they do drugs but also proves they were probably on drugs when we watch them on TV. I also wonder why all these cartoon characters are helping an average ordinary kid, is this what they do during their free time, if so give me some drugs so I can meet them, which I feel that's going to encourage young children to take drugs.
So how do these cartoon characters help him,well we go on many different anti-drug adventures with some of the characters, why not all, because most of them are here to make pointless cameos. First we have an unfunny Bugs Bunny who takes Michael back in time to show him the day he started doing drugs. The flashback sequence is the same old kid starting drug sequence you see in most of these type of films. Instead of having a funny Bugs Bunny, we get nothing but dialogue we've all heard before.
Next, Michael falls into a sewer and meets one of the Ninja Turtles. Instead of doing something that Bugs did, he just blabs and blabs the same dialogue we've heard before. Not only are we hearing the same old dialogue from him but he's being a complete asshole and rejects Michael in a very cold asshole way.My only question in this lesson is where's the rest of the Turtles and why aren't they out kicking that demon puff of smoke.
Michael then finds himself on a roller coaster ride inside his brain while he's riding with the Muppet Babies. Instead of getting the same predictable dialogue, we get a fast high speed ride in the Brain as we see unimpressive visuals. This sequence doesn't scare me away from Drugs, it actually wants to make me try them. Why you may ask, because this ride doesn't simulate a messed up Brain it mostly simulates what people are like when they're high and it's the reason why people use drugs to begin with.
After that wild ride, we then get a incredibly annoying Anti-Drug song. I knew this film was going to have a corny song but my god it's really really corny. The song is obnoxious,the characters are out of key,we hear the same old sayings to say "No" to drugs like in every song about saying "No" to drugs and even the wonderful Chipmunks that sing in great harmony sound very annoying. The credits even play a more cornier version of the song with cheap written lyrics.This song actually hurts my Brain more then Drugs can do to the Brain. Oh and for those who are wondering where Michael's sister is, she's getting the same old advice we hear a dozen times from Pooh.
The last segment takes place at a creepy Carnival. Instead of hearing more advice and no nos about Drugs,the characters who love him are now literally trying to kill him. That's right they actually try to kill him, they try to run him over,drown him,get killed by Buzz Saws, fall to his death, see his messed up self and has to face a painfully unfunny Daffy Duck. This special doesn't just prove my childhood heroes are on drugs but now they scare me. Don't worry as long as there is a corny predictable happy ending, everything will be fine. He still maybe a thief and drink beer, but at least he's off drugs and that's ok for him to still do all those things right...I don't think so. Clearly these characters should have helped him more.
THIS FILM IS A DISGRACE! It not only pushes and gives us the same Anti-Drug messages but it ruins the innocence of our cherished childhood characters and ruins the talents of George C. Scott. If you put these characters into an Anti-Bullying film that would work better but if you put them into Anti-Drug film, you get a huge mess. I won't do drugs but this film is close to convincing me to do drugs. This is Tyler Michael telling you to stay away from drugs and to stay away from this film.
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