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Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Announcement: Updates

Hey everyone, Tyler, the Movie Maniac here. Given how busy life has been getting for me lately as I have been trying different things, hence why there have been very few reviews this year, I have decided to break most of my traditions altogether. In other words, I won't limit myself as much as I used to. I won't release all my horror reviews in October (unless they are related to Halloween). I will still post Christmas reviews in December due to the holidays. However, I won't review one adaption of "A Christmas Carol" a year and try to post it on Christmas day or eve (though that would also mean I can review more than one version a year). I'm also not going to force myself to review a shark film every summer. And though I tend to stay away from reviewing modern movies just to see how they hold up after a few years have passed without the hype or backlash, if I feel like giving my two cents, I won't hesitate. From this point on, I'm going to hang loose and review films with little to no restrictions. That sadly doesn't mean I will still be posting as much as I used to, but it will hopefully mean there will be more posts next year than this year now that I'm deciding to take all the pressure I've been feeling about this blog off my shoulder. I know this blog has been going through many changes over the years, so I won't keep creating traditions and taking them away. At this point, anything goes. That said, I want to emphasize that I don't want all my reviews to be from my random pickings. I'm 100% open to ideas and suggestions of what I should review. After all, I want to entertain my readers with my critiques on films, lists, or topics that interest them. So, by all means, feel free to leave me requests below, and leave as many suggestions as you'd like. 

Peace and Love

Tyler Michael

And have a safe Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

1 comment:

  1. It's been 9 years review RUBBER already
