Back when I started reviewing the Ernest series, I mentioned
that I only had two Ernest movies as a kid. I owned "Ernest Saves Christmas" on DVD, which I never finished watching for being too
silly and dull; and the other was a VHS copy that I never bothered viewing after
being turned off by the other Ernest film, until now, that film is...

Even though I didn't wish to waste my time viewing a film
that would probably bore and annoy me at a young age, I was still curious to
know how someone as childishly goofy as Ernest can get thrown into jail in
the first place, and what his prison experience is going to be like. And after
giving his Christmas movie a chance, which I surprisingly found myself liking
in-spite of it not being a very good movie; it's now finally time to give this
one a fair shot too. Did I do the right thing by avoiding this film as a kid, or
is there some good in it to make it an entertaining if far from a good
Ernest (Jim Varney) works as a night custodian in a bank who
dreams of one day becoming a clerk, but doesn't seem to have a chance upon getting
there since his boss (Dan Leegant) is near fed-up with his disastrous mishaps.
Upon getting a summons to jury duty, Ernest gets excited to be taking part in
determining if a criminal is innocent or guilty until things take an unusual
turn for him. The jury is sent to tour the prison for where a murder took
place, but Ernest foolishly leaves the group where he finds himself to be knocked unconscious by an inmate on
death-row named Nash who looks exactly like him (also played by Varney), and
wakes up wearing Nash's prison clothes as everybody around him believes that
he's the cold hearted criminal who practically runs the joint. As Ernest is
being forced by two of his cellmates to behave like Nash, while he tries to find
a way to escape; Nash now taking Ernest's place plans to rob the bank where he
works at.
When comparing this to the previous Ernest film "Ernest Saves Christmas", it's nice to see a film being centered on
his character again instead of the supporting characters. But for some odd
reason, he still lacks the charm and endearing qualities that he had in
"Ernest Goes to Camp". He's still fun to watch, his personality is
likable, but I hardly ever felt emotionally connected to him at all. He has a
dream of becoming a bank clerk, but unlike how Ernest's dream of becoming a
camp counselor was a goal that you felt attached too since it was the film's focus,
his goal here is hardly ever played up and barely addressed again after he
mentions it. There's not even a moment where I found myself feeling sorry for
him. Not because it was predictable, but because of how rushed it all is. When
things went completely south for Ernest when he went to camp, we had a brutal
scene of him getting beaten-up that proceeds with a song that's so depressing that
it crushes my soul for every time it plays. And though Ernest didn't have a single
emotional scene when he saved Christmas, we in the very least still had an
emotional connection to the character of Santa who's trying to do right for the
holiday after behaving so selfishly about his job, or else Christmas will be
lost forever (weeeell, at least the Santa part of Christmas). But in this film, we
get nothing, which is disappointing. You'd think for a film titled "Ernest Goes to Jail", we’d feel some kind of sympathy for Ernest when we see him behind bars whether
it was consistent, or in one scene as depressing as the "Gee I'm Glad It's
Raining" scene.

Though to be fair, emotion is not the film's main goal; the film’s
primary goal is to entertain you by throwing as many visual gags as possible
through a very simple and basic story-line, much like in his TV Specials. And as much as I miss those little sentimental elements that the previous Ernest films had,
this film is by far the most entertaining one of the three. Right from the
opening credits sequence that plays itself out like the opening credits to a
Bond film (just with a cartoony prison setting to a silly rock song), I knew
that this film was going to be different from the other Ernest films. For at
least 80% of the film, the film is trying to hit you with one gag or crazy
situation after another, and though there are plenty of unfunny bits that are dull,
gross, and awkward, there are just as many enjoyable comedic bits that will
surprise you, give you a laugh, and at most entertain you. A lot of the jokes
and scenarios in the film are far-fetched and make no sense, but that's part of
the enjoyment for this film. It's the same kind of outlandish ludicrous
environment that you would suspend your disbelief for like in a Zucker Brothers
film, or "Pee-Wee's Big Adventure", just not as funny as those films are, but not as annoying and offensive as those terrible
(I think) satire films by Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer. I really did get more laughs
out of this film when compared to his other films, and even his TV Specials for
that matter for how the film doesn't run out of steam with its jokes, energy,
and visual sense of humor. The film itself is also by far the most visually
interesting film out of all the Ernest films. Not just for its gags, but also for some of the locations we visit. The prison that Ernest is locked in for instance looks
like a terrible place to be in, that feels claustrophobic for how exaggeratedly
closed in everything is, but for some reason the person who did the interior design
for it seemed to have been an expert at making a fun-houses for how colorful and cartoon like
it is. Even Ernest's house that was an interesting but watered-down knock-off
of Pee-Wee's house from “Pee-Wee's Big Adventure" in "Ernest Saves
Christmas" is more fun to look at in this film, for the many creative
inventions that Ernest uses to get through his daily routines, as he does some
very out of the norm things without using them. It's still an obvious knock-off to
Pee-Wee's house, but still as cool and insane of a place to visit. And if you
think his house is loaded with surprises, well wait till you see his next door neighbor’s
house. As for the effects, they're just as hit and miss as the jokes in this film;
some are decent, as others are unbelievably cheesy. But even the cheesiness for
these effects in my opinion adds to the visual appeal for this film, the same
way how the cheesy effects make the Adam West Batman series funnier.

What I also feel that this film does better when compared to the other Ernest films is the villain. The villains in the previous two Ernest films were not only dull and forgettable, but you knew that they were going to be outsmarted by Ernest for how weak and clichéd they are. With Nash on the other hand, though I'm not going to act like that I didn't think Ernest wasn’t going to stand a chance against him, he's still a much more memorable and intimidating villain when compared to the others. What's obviously memorable about him is that he's also played by Varney, where it's cool to see him take on a villain role in the same film where he's mugging it up as a heroic childish redneck with a heart of gold. Only instead of him playing his villain role for laughs, like say having a Saturday Morning thug-like voice, or acting as over the top nasty as Varney’s character Uncle Lloyd Worrell, he plays his character out like a badass. Okay, I'm not going to act like that he's one of the scariest villains to appear in a family film, but he's still pretty intimidating for how no-nonsense this guy is, and how he's always threatening his inmates and thinking of what crime that he should pull next when he's out. And now that he has control over Ernest's life since he's living under his identity, it is pretty unsettling to see a hardcore criminal have the advantage to harm the people that Ernest knows if he felt like it, let alone destroy his life style that may possibly not be the same if poor Ernest ever escapes.
If you read my reviews on the other Ernest films, then you may know that I wasn't a fan of Gailard Sartain and the people they pair him up with for each film. From chefs who were constantly annoying, to storage agents that were just as irritating but were occasionally saved by some of the visual gags, they were usually the most insufferable set of characters for these movies. And as soon as I discovered that Sartain is being paired up with the same actor who played the other storage agent from "Ernest Saves Christmas", I was ready to hate them. But as much as I wanted too, I found myself being less annoyed by them and more entertained. I suppose the reason for that is because Sartain is acting less obnoxious than he did before, which makes him tolerable, and that the jokes and scenarios that they're given is a little funnier than it was in the last two film installment involving the Ernest P. Worrell character. It's just a real shame that the other supporting characters aren't as fun to watch as them because they are so bland! Like on the same level of bland as the supporting characters in "Ernest Goes to Camp". The performances aren't terrible, but they aren't anything special or memorable either. But in the very least, I’ll take serviceable over annoying any time in these films.
The best way to describe this film as a whole is to picture "Muppet's Most Wanted" combined with the same kind of zaniness as "Pee-Wee's Big Adventure" and the Zucker Brothers films, just without it being as funny, or charming, but still highly entertaining to the max. I don’t highly recommend it to an adult crowd since the film is clearly aiming more towards kids, but if you’re curious in seeing an Ernest film and just want to be entertained, than this is by far the best option to choose from.
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