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Thursday, April 25, 2013



Titanic, one of the most tragic disasters to ever happen in history! Most of us all know about this event in the film directed by James Cameron but little do people know, there were tons of other film adaptions made based on this tragic event. Some were good, some were bad and others are so inaccurate and insulting that it makes you wonder what the person who made the film was thinking. Well here's my first review on a Titanic film and this review is on one of the earliest film versions of the event made in Germany in 1912 and has been lost for decades called...


There's really nothing to say about the plot, it's just a film documenting the events of the Titanic, however, it does a poor job doing it. I know some of you are thinking, "Tyler, it was made in era where films were new" and even though you're right, it's still a weak take on this tragic event. How the film documents the Titanic is very poor. It doesn't show how the different classes were treated, doesn't show much areas of the ship or how people lived. Maybe the description is in the German subtitles but even if it did talk about it, the film doesn't show it and if it did in a way, it only gave us a small or tiny piece of the cake!

Now the Sinking of the Titanic. Well I don't know what to say about the effect. Some say they sunk a real boat, others say it was a modeled ship and a few suggest it could be both. Does it look realistic, I guess in a sense even though we don't see it go down but at the same time the result isn't effective. What really ticks me off is the film is very inaccurate to the ship going down. When they see the Ice Berg (or should I say small puny Ice Bergs) they see it through Binoculars which they didn't have for the people in the crows nest. The Captain witnesses the collusion when in reality he was in his cabin. The collision became effective towards passengers when in reality not many people nor did the Captain feel it. Oh and the Boilers explode during the collusion and of course they didn't, nor did the boiler room get flooded so quickly as depicted in Cameron's film but Cameron's film (Despite factual errors regarding the ship itself) was more true to the event and depicted life on the ship better than this film did. The people behind the film should have looked it up a little bit more.

It fails at showing the tragedy and life aboard the Titanic and this film should probably STAY LOST!


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