Before I go any further let me remind you all that it's just opinion not fact. In case if some of you are wondering why I'm not reviewing the first Season or the pilot episode it's for many reasons, but I'll tell you my 2 main reasons. First off I feel like it would be a waste of my time because I feel like you've seen one "Family Guy" episode, you've seen them all and believe me I've seen a lot. My 2nd reason and probably my number 1 reason why I'm not reviewing the show in Seasons is because I know a lot of people like the show and just to show that I'm a nice guy I feel like it would be necessary just to sum all of my thoughts on the show in one review. So after this review I promise I will not review anything "Family Guy" related but remember I'm only going to make a promise like this for just this one time. With that out of the way, ON WITH THE REVIEW!
Let’s start with the characters. In family style cartoon shows like "The Simpsons" or "King Of The Hill" the main characters are likable, funny and have redeeming qualities after making a serious mistake. The characters in this show are nothing like that. To me they're just poor annoying unfunny idiotic copies of "The Simpsons". Every one of these characters is either just straight out bland, unfunny, boring or just plan annoying. The Mother Lois is just an annoying nag who gets to the point where I want to yell "SHUT THE HELL UP" at the TV. The teenage Son Chris is just as annoying as Lois and it pains me to find out that Seth Green (Creator of "Robot Chicken" and the actor who played Scott Evil in the "Austin Powers" films) is wasting his talent on a character that's not funny. The teenage daughter Meg is just the target of the family’s jokes and some of these jokes are so painful to watch. Brian the talking dog is a complete bore and to be perfectly honest I find nothing likable about him. He's just an alcoholic atheist asshole who loves to have sex with dogs AND WOMAN! What the hell, is he bi? He even has a human son in one episode, HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE? The only thing I like about Brian is he can sing swing really well and personally I wish Seth Macfarlene would pursue that career instead of this.
Than there's the father Peter, good god do I hate this character. He's the most annoying character in the whole entire show. His voice is annoying, his design is annoying, his laugh is annoying, and his humor is annoying. I just want to kick his fat ass butt until he shuts up for good. The number 1 reason why I hate this character is because he's obviously a complete rip off of Homer Simpson (One of the greatest cartoon characters in the world) he's fat, he drinks, he's stupid, and even a few times says Homers catch phrase "Doh", that's low on so many levels. The only character I sort of liked is the evil talking baby Stewie, who has a really cool British accent. In the early seasons he would try to take over the world or kill Lois, and when I watched this show as a teen I would look forward to see what Stewie is up too and see what comical mischief he’d get himself into. Sadly as the seasons went he stops being evil and than becomes just annoying as the family.
The supporting characters are just as demented as the main characters. You got the black guy Cleveland who's just a complete bore; You have the crippled cop Joe who's the only guy who makes any sense in this awful show but sadly is just a pun to unfunny cripple jokes; and Quagmire a perverted sick bastard with a annoying catch phrase who loves to have sex or rape woman (Including Marge Simpson on one occasion), that's not funny it's just sick, gross and wrong. Than there's the old man Hebert the pervert who has this girlish voice that was funny at first but then gets annoying after a while where the character now becomes creepy, instead of funny. The only character in the supporting cast I like is Mayor West, why, because he's voiced by Adam West and almost anything he does is funny. The guests that appear on the show are as lame as our main characters but I do like the appearances of James Woods and Wallace Shawn, they were fun to watch.
What can I say about the humor on this show, well every once and a while you'll get a good joke but for the most part the jokes are not funny and don't even flow with the plot. Most of the humor is dumb, demented, unnecessary, gross and pop culture references that are either forced or ripped-off jokes. That's what I can't stand about this show; most of the humor is just pop culture references that are either forced or ripped-off. It's normal for shows to make fun of pop culture or make a movie reference, but this show does it all the time. About 90 percent of an episode is filled with ripped off material, and parodies and references to pop culture that are just there to make the reference. I also hate how they constantly leave the plot and go to a pointless joke that has nothing to do with the plot, it's just stupid, repetitive, and above all pointless! The songs on this show are forgettable and once again are mostly just stupid parodies of songs we know and love. By the way in case if you're wondering what I think about their "Star Wars" parodies, lets just say if I was going to watch a "Star Wars" parody I would either be watching the "Robot Chicken" Star Wars special or my favorite Mel Brooks comedy "Spaceballs".
Now finally the plot to the show, what plot? There basically is no plot to any of these episodes it's just the family being dumb, have a problem, random jokes that take 90 percent of an episode, problem solved and they go back to their ugly and hideous ways. They're not just predictable but they're written poorly and have no morals. Even the Road adventures with Brian and Stewie are just lame, not to mention that the whole road series is just a bad parody of "The Road To series" with Bob Hope and Bing Crosby. The only time when the show had a good moral is Peter telling people to stop smoking and when Brain and Stewie tell everyone to just ask for one gift from Santa (Though that sounds like something out of a kids Christmas Special, than a Christmas Special for adults). Those are good but for the most it’s very rare to get a good story from this show.
Now that I bashed the show I'm sure you're thinking I'm probably going to give a bad rating. Well it is true that I hate "Family Guy" but I can see why it has an audience. Like I said you can get a good laugh from at least one joke per episode and it does do it's job with entertaining people. I may hate it but I don't expect you to hate it too, if you love the show and that gives you good laughs, good for you, don't let my review take that away from you.
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