Weird Al Yankovic the best comedic artist of all time. What's not to like about him? He's funny, he's over the top, he's just Weird Al. He comes up with the best song parody's that are so funny and clever that you can't help but laugh or sing along. Even the comedy songs he writes himself are roll on the floor with laughter. He's also known for bringing Polka into pop culture and is one of the very few well known musicians who plays the Accordion. He's not just a good artist, he's also a very funny comedic actor. Best example of that is his film...
The film doesn't just have a straight forward story, it's also full TV sketches; Weird Al's Daydreams; and it even has a Music video. Since there's so much to talk about,I'm going to break the review into parts and rate each segment individually.

George Newman (Weird Al Yankovic) is a daydreamer who's full of
creative ideas but sadly is a failure in life. That all changes once he is
given a bankrupt TV studio which he turns into the best TV channel in TV
history, thanks to his creative mind and TV star Stanley the janitor(Michael
Richards). Due to so much popularity, R.J. Fletcher (Kevin McCarthy) the
owner of another big channel plans to pull the plug on George's channel, so his
channel can be number 1 again.
Weird Al Yankovic is just as hilarious and over the top as he is in his
Music Videos. Every scene he's in, he's funny as heck. His best scenes are his
daydream scenes but will get to that later on. Is his acting good?
Well, let’s admit we all know its Weird Al being Weird Al but that doesn't
stop us from liking his performance. He aside from his goofy over the topness,
still acts like the average every day guy who has his head in the clouds
and there are times when we feel bad for him when he doesn't succeed even when
he's being over dramatic, which your laughing but feeling bad for him at the
same time, that takes good comedic acting to pull that off.
Michael Richards as the child like janitor Stanley is another "Laugh
Out Loud" performance. This is one comedic performance where I can
separate the actor from the character. When I first saw this film,
I didn't know that was Kramer in a janitor costume, I thought it was some
unknown actor. Richards (Just like Kramer on "Seinfeld") is the
character. He's funny, he's annoying (In a fun way), he's innocent and he's
lovable. His performance is so good that he sometimes upstages Weird Al.
His best scenes is when he has his own TV show but will get to that later. My
favorite scene is when he constantly annoys Fletcher's men by saying things
only a child would say. What amuses me the most is, this was before he was
Kramer on "Seinfeld"(Which he's best known as) and seeing him being
funny before he got his well known character shows that he's a good comedic
Kevin McCarthy as the villain of the film is one of the best comedic
Villains I have ever seen. He's mean, he's nasty, he's over the top and there's
nothing likable about him. This is one business man where you can't have a
decent conversation with, without getting yelled at. You do one thing
wrong, you're fired. When ever he's yelling or arguing with someone, he can be
imitating but also funny at the same time, kind of like the Queen of Hearts
in Disney's "Alice
in Wonderland" for example. Sometimes when I hear him yell I except him to
shout out the famous line from the film "Network" "I'm as mad as
hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!". His performance also kind of
reminds me of Leslie Nielsen in a way, if that's the idea for his character he
did an awesome job. I'm not going to tell you what happens to him in the
end but I will tell you it's one of the best downfalls to a villain I have ever
seen in cinema history. If they showed Mr.Potter from
"It's a Wonderful Life" losing to George Bailey in the end of the film, my guess is he would
have the same reaction as the villain in this film.
Victoria Jackson as George's girlfriend Terri was pretty bad. We all know
her best in "Saturday Night Live" who is decently funny but here
she's not funny or useful. Her character is bland and it feels like they
just through her in here to bring an unnecessary romantic struggle in the
film. The only part in the romance I felt was Weird Al's performance, probably
because we spend more time with him than we do with his girlfriend. This character
and performance is so boring that you can just simply run the film without her.
David Bowe as George's best friend Bob is just as boring as his girlfriend.
He's bland, he feels like a forced character, he's not funny and he just
basically sits in his chair throughout the whole film while Weird Al gets the
spotlight. Now to be fair, he does get a good laugh every once in awhile but
that usually happens when he's with George. In all honesty, he’s really another
character and performance you can run the film without.
As for the rest of the supporting cast, they’re funny
and memorable. You got Stanley Brock as the gambling Uncle Harvey; Fran
Drescher as the broadcasting reporter Pamela; Trinidad Silva as Raul the crazy
Mexican animal show host; Billy Barty as the small cameraman Noodles;
Vance Colvig Jr. as the bum; Anthony Geary as the weird mad scientist Philo;
the Asian karate gang; Fletcher's henchman; and the off screen mobster Louie.
They're all funny and likable; every one of them gives out a good laugh
even the background people or the people who appear on the shows.
The story is good, they're a lot of great jokes that pop up everywhere,
Weird Al is funny and the characters (with exception Jackson and Bowe) are
This is one of the many reasons why I find this film so funny. The commercials are funny, and parody the stuff we see on TV. The best commercial everyone remembers is the "Spatula City"commercial. A store that sells nothing but spatulas and you see people going crazy for spatulas and using them for special occasions and I'm not talking about barbecue's. What the president that owns the company says is funny and the jingle is catchy while at the same time funny. I also like the parody on car sales commercials by having some over the top country guy with a big cowboy hat, telling people to come down to buy a car and he'll lower the price, get a good deal or say he'll do something over the top if you don't come down. There's also a funeral home commercial called "Plot R US" that I thought was ok but not as good as the others.
Then we have the fake Movie trailers which had me roaring with laughter. There's the trailer "Conan The Librarian" that parody's the Schwarzenegger film "Conan The Barbarian" where they have a Arnold look alike playing a violent barbarian who happens to be working in a modern today library. Then there's "Gandhi 2" and instead of seeing peaceful non violent Gandhi, he's a man of violence taking down criminals. It not only parody's Gandhi, it also parody's the film "Shaft" by having an action packed environment and playing similar music to the film.
The TV shows on the channel, they're funny and clever. The game show "Wheel of Fish" that the karate gang owns, is a clever parody on "Wheel Of Fortune" and ends with one of the films best lines. The show "Town Talk", a talk show where people constantly get into fights or get hurt always gets at least a chuckle out of me, and it's not just fighting it's also the guests they put on the show. The wild life show "Raul's Wild Kingdom" starts out as a normal show but then shows what a crazy person Raul is and how dangerous he is to animals. Then there's my personal favorite show "Uncle Nutsy's Clubhouse" starring Weird Al. What's funny about it is, it makes fun of those over the top children TV shows like "Howdy Doody" or "Pee Wee's Playhouse" by having a hyper and corkey host, a colorful environment, kids in the audience and having a mime clown as a sidekick who constantly gets hurt. This show also shows the many things that could go wrong in a kids show.
The best out of all the TV sketches is the show that Stanley stars in who again is funny, full of energy and has the mind of a kid. I love how he interacts with the kids; I love how over the top he is; and I couldn't find one scene where I wasn't laughing with him. The scene that always grabs me is his "Life is like a mop" speech. It's a silly example but how he says it is true. He's telling people not to give up, take what life gives you and closes his speech by shouting "HEY, THESE FLOORS ARE AS DIRTY AS HELL AND I'M NOT GONNA TAKE IT ANYMORE!".
The other promos for the channel are funny but some of them are kind of dull but enough to make it as ok. The only show I didn't laugh at was the show "Secrets Of The Universe" because it only showed the title of the show instead of actually doing something like all the other shows. These sketches help make the film funny and are one of the many reasons why people remember this movie.
These are the best parts of the film.
The first daydream is the films opening, which makes fun of the opening to
"Raiders Of The Lost Ark". It at first looks serious but once we see
Al's face things start getting crazy. The set designs are cool but look comical
at the same time; it actually looks like something from one of his Music
Videos. The humor is everywhere, it's in the background and foreground; it pops
out at you out of nowhere; it can be cartoonish looking at points; it's
basically similar to the "Naked Gun" films or the movie
"Airplane". This whole opening is a great way to start the film; it's
funny and epic at the same time and pulls you into the films comical atmosphere.
His second Daydream happens during the films climatic battle as he's running
to save Stanley.
It parody's the Rambo sequels and makes fun of the films action
cliches. Just like the opening it's epic but funny at the same time. This has
to be my favorite part in the film because it parodies the sequels so cleverly
that it's all true of what they're parodying from the films. I also love Weird
Al's performance as Rambo because his facial expression actually matches
Stallones facial expressions in those films. This part is really the best part
of the film. it's actioned packed; it's funny; it's clever; it has great pacing;
and it's probably the best parody to an action film I ever saw (At least by
far) The last Daydream is at the end but I won't tell you it. All I'll tell you
is its good way to end the film but you're using a character who's in the film
very little and is a plot device you can run without.
The daydream scenes are funny and epic but they play no part in the films
plot and just slow things down, but you know what I don't care. It's true they
are just added scenes that the film doesn't need but they add to the films tone
and comic atmosphere. They are also one of the best movie parodies you're ever
going to see and to be honest throwing these scenes in the movie actually flow
very well and don't seem out of place, plus it also shows what kind of person
George is, so they're not totally useless. They're another one of the main
reasons why the films so memorable and why the film’s so funny.
Since the film is starring a music artist, chances are
they're going to sing. Weird Al doesn't sing much in the film but his songs can
be heard in some scenes. In the scene when Stanley drives a little car on his show, you
can hear Weird Al's instrumental song "Funzone" playing in the
background. When Uncle Harvey's in the pool, he's listening to Weird Al's song
"Let Me Be Your Hog". At the end credits you hear the films title
song "UHF" sung by Weird Al Yankovic. Even though he doesn't
sing throughout the film he was nice enough to sing at least one
song, which became a Music Video and that Music Video is…

The song has the lyrics from the theme to Beverly Hillbillies sung to the
tune of Dire Straits controversial song "Money For
Nothing". How does it fit into the film? George is watching a
rerun of "Beverly Hillbillies" and falls asleep and the music video
The video is a lot identical to the Dire Straits Music Video. It has the
same style; same animation; same pacing; and same shots. It's so identical that
it's creepy. They even have the same animated dog from the original video. Just
look at the characters they look just as similar as the mover guys. They
also show a live action Weird Al Yankovic playing with a band, while neon
lights are surrounding the instruments and head bands. I know what you're thinking;
it's not a rip off that's what the videos suppose to be like.
Even though the video is played out the same way the Dire Straits Music
Video is, Weird Al still threw in a few twists. Instead of singing "I want
my MTV" they sing "Beverly Hillbillies" in the same tune. When
Weird Al turns into a computer animated character, he's in shock
and thinking to himself "What the heck". Instead of a mover
singing the song, it's one of the characters from the show. In the live action
part of the video, they make fun of the neon lights surrounding the instruments
and the close up camera shots. He even alters the lyrics to the TV show to make
it sound like the song he's parodying.
Even though it's as pointless as the daydream scenes in the film, it's still
one of the main reasons why the films recognized. It's a good parody on a good
song and is one of Al's best parodies of all time.
Well aside from some of the bland characters, the comedic acting is great, especially
from Weird Al Yankovic and Michael Richards. I am a bit disappointed that Al
only has one song to sing in the film but then again the films more focused on its
comedy and story than it is on his music career, which shows he's just trying
to create a comedy, not a film based on his musical talents. Did he succeed?
Yes, he proves that he's not just a comedic artist; he's a good comedic
actor as well. After seeing this film, I wish he made more films or at least
star in another comedy instead making a cameo. Oh well, I guess he
shouldn't over due a good thing and stick with what he's good at. If you love
Weird Al Yankovic or if you're fan of films in the style of the "Naked
Guns" movies; or if you're a big fan of TV skit shows; or if you're
just looking for a good comedy, defiantly check this film out.