I talked about Chucky in the first movie, now I'm going to talk about him in the 2nd movie.
Before the film hit the theaters there was a trailer where Chucky makes a cool entrance and comeback. The trailer for the film starts out with a sound of someone winding up a toy, and then we see a Jack-In-a-Box all alone in a dark room as the crane moves by itself playing "Pop Goes The Weasel". Just before the Jack-In- The-Box-clown can pops out; a foot stomps on the box and crushes it. At first we think it's a small child's foot who probably smashed it to avoid scaring the audience of the creepy clown that lurks in there (Wouldn't you do that too if you knew there was a creepy clown in a box? In fact, why even turn the crank at all? What dumb children we all were.) but then the camera quickly identifies who crushed the box; and instead of being a child, it's the live doll Chucky, looking at the audience with a creepy smile as eerie music plays while saying "Sorry Jack...Chucky's Back!". The title of the film appears and got the audiences who saw the first child's play movie to the see the second Child's Play film. By the way in case if you're wondering what the creepy clown looks like, here's a picture...

Poor little clown head!

So how does Chucky come back to life since he was set on fire; got his body parts shot off; and got shot in the heart? Well two years later some greedy people from "The Play Pals Company" somehow grabbed the original doll and reconstructed it. During the process, a worker gets killed while creating the Doll which causes an explosion. That can only mean one thing, the soul of the killer Charles Lee Ray has returned to the Dolls body, since his old body has been reconstructed into a new body.

Chucky first victim is one of the heads of the company, a guy named Mattson who has Andy's file because of the incident that happened two years ago with the company's product. Chucky grabs Andy's files and calls Andy's social worker claiming he's Andy's "Uncle Charles". As a result, he gets Andy's location and heads there but not after killing Mattson. At first he ties Mattson up with a jump rope in his car seat and holding a gun to Mattson's head and just when you think he's going to shoot him, the gun is actually a squirt gun. Before we could get a good laugh, Chucky strangles the life out of him with Play Pal plastic bag that causes Mattson to suffocate and die. A scene that starts out thrilling then makes you feel relaxed but then a kill comes out unexpectedly. One of the best scenes in the movie and one of my favorite killing scenes in the child play films.

So where's Andy? Andy is now living in a foster home because his mother is taken away from Andy and where's the cop or his buddy from the first film, they kept their mouths shut! Andy stays with very caring foster parents, however, Andy's foster dad doesn't trust him, and the other foster staying with Andy is a punk girl named Kyle. If that's not bad enough the parents own a "Good Guy Doll" named Tommy. Andy also has a bitchy teacher who's very tough on her students. Well it can't get any worse than that, right?
Chucky sneaks into the foster home and destroys the Doll Tommy and buries the destroyed doll in the backyard. He then poses as the Doll Tommy and frames Andy for things he didn't do. My favorite is when Chucky writes on Andy's worksheet that says "F--k You Bitch!" to the teacher which causes teacher to lock Andy in the classroom (Is that even legal?!) while she calls his foster parents. Strangely before she sees Andy's paper, she's reading “Pinocchio” to the class and reads the part when the cricket tells Pinocchio not to lie so he can become a real boy. Why is that odd, because Chucky is a killer in a Dolls body and wants to get out of the body to be human again; his target is a little boy; and Chucky at one point tells Andy while he's locked in the school closet, to let him out and he won't kill anybody, which is clearly a LIE! Andy escapes from the doll and the doll kills the teacher by stabbing her with a ball pump and beating her to death with the ruler as she fakely screams. I'm going to be honest, I want Chucky to kill that bitchy teacher but sadly this is not what I had in mind, in fact the scene is more silly then the death of Aunt Maggie dying (From The first film), at least that scene looked more realistic than this scene.

By the way one of my favorite moments of Chucky posing as the Doll Tommy, is when he says Tommy catchphrase which is "Hi I'm", he then pauses for a second probably thinking "What The F--k was his name again?! Oh Yeah!", "Tommy want to play?". That scene always gives me a chuckle or at least a smirk on my face. Another one of my favorite scenes when he pretends to be a Doll is when he forces Kyle to drive him to Andy but they get pulled over by a cop. Chucky pretends to be a lifeless doll as the cops talking to Kyle, but once the cop notices the Doll he begins to smile, thinking that they're cute. However, blood is dripping out of Chucky's nose (Which means he's slowly turning human) and the cop asks why the Doll is bleeding. Kyle responds to the cop by saying "Have you seen Dolls that Pee? This one bleeds" and the cop buys it and let's Kyle be on her way. That's hilarious. Yeah some of the scenes of Chucky posing as a Doll are funny but most of them are scary because he hides his identity from the foster parents by making Andy look like a trouble maker (Or should I say murderer) and there's nothing Andy can do. Chucky heads to the right spot at the right time where the foster parents leave the doll to make the parents think Andy's crazy and on top of that he can sneak up on Andy off guard or in his sleep and perform the spell to transfer his soul into Andy's body.

Chucky gets Andy to leave the foster home by killing Phil by tripping him on the stairs, hanging him upside, and then dropping him which causes Phil's neck to break. Andy foster mom believes he did it and forces him to go back to the foster care center. After when Kyle discovers that the real doll was buried, Chucky kills the foster mom and forces Kyle to drive him to the foster care center. Kyle does outsmart Chucky but the doll makes it to the foster care center and causes a diversion by pulling the fire alarm, kills the head of the center, and kidnaps Andy.

The climax of the film takes place in the toy factory full of "Good Guy Dolls". Andy is finally in Chucky's grasps and Chucky starts chanting the spell. This scene is more thrilling then the first movie when Chucky almost finished the spell, because Chucky actually finishes the chant and just when you think he succeeded, Chucky is still in the Doll’s body and realizes he's trapped in the dolls body forever. As a result he tries to kill Andy and Kyle for revenge. This climax is more suspenseful then the climax in the first film because Chucky is chasing after them in a maze full of "Good Guy Dolls" and through hazardous machines and Chucky never stops trying to kill them. Chucky is just never going to give up! He loses his hand and replaces it with a knife; Andy and Kyle try to kill Chucky by sending him on a conveyor belt going backwards but he gets out of it; Chucky knocks Kyle unconscious and puts her on a conveyor belt to be killed; Chucky still comes after Andy after being poured with hot melted plastic; and even kills a factory worker and uses the dead body as a weapon. Man, he's just never ever going to give up, and that's one of the main reasons why I like Chucky so much. Yeah, how survives all this since he has full turned human does require a major suspension of disbelief, and if you can do that, you will find yourself enjoying this climax as much as I do.

Chucky finally gets killed when Kyle forces an air hose in Chucky's mouth which causes Chucky's head to explode and Andy and Kyle walk out of the factory wondering where to go. In an alternate ending a piece of Chucky's face falls into a tank of hot melted plastic and the machine creates a new "Good Guy Doll" with an evil smile.
Before the film hit the theaters there was a trailer where Chucky makes a cool entrance and comeback. The trailer for the film starts out with a sound of someone winding up a toy, and then we see a Jack-In-a-Box all alone in a dark room as the crane moves by itself playing "Pop Goes The Weasel". Just before the Jack-In- The-Box-clown can pops out; a foot stomps on the box and crushes it. At first we think it's a small child's foot who probably smashed it to avoid scaring the audience of the creepy clown that lurks in there (Wouldn't you do that too if you knew there was a creepy clown in a box? In fact, why even turn the crank at all? What dumb children we all were.) but then the camera quickly identifies who crushed the box; and instead of being a child, it's the live doll Chucky, looking at the audience with a creepy smile as eerie music plays while saying "Sorry Jack...Chucky's Back!". The title of the film appears and got the audiences who saw the first child's play movie to the see the second Child's Play film. By the way in case if you're wondering what the creepy clown looks like, here's a picture...
Poor little clown head!
So how does Chucky come back to life since he was set on fire; got his body parts shot off; and got shot in the heart? Well two years later some greedy people from "The Play Pals Company" somehow grabbed the original doll and reconstructed it. During the process, a worker gets killed while creating the Doll which causes an explosion. That can only mean one thing, the soul of the killer Charles Lee Ray has returned to the Dolls body, since his old body has been reconstructed into a new body.
Chucky first victim is one of the heads of the company, a guy named Mattson who has Andy's file because of the incident that happened two years ago with the company's product. Chucky grabs Andy's files and calls Andy's social worker claiming he's Andy's "Uncle Charles". As a result, he gets Andy's location and heads there but not after killing Mattson. At first he ties Mattson up with a jump rope in his car seat and holding a gun to Mattson's head and just when you think he's going to shoot him, the gun is actually a squirt gun. Before we could get a good laugh, Chucky strangles the life out of him with Play Pal plastic bag that causes Mattson to suffocate and die. A scene that starts out thrilling then makes you feel relaxed but then a kill comes out unexpectedly. One of the best scenes in the movie and one of my favorite killing scenes in the child play films.
So where's Andy? Andy is now living in a foster home because his mother is taken away from Andy and where's the cop or his buddy from the first film, they kept their mouths shut! Andy stays with very caring foster parents, however, Andy's foster dad doesn't trust him, and the other foster staying with Andy is a punk girl named Kyle. If that's not bad enough the parents own a "Good Guy Doll" named Tommy. Andy also has a bitchy teacher who's very tough on her students. Well it can't get any worse than that, right?
Chucky sneaks into the foster home and destroys the Doll Tommy and buries the destroyed doll in the backyard. He then poses as the Doll Tommy and frames Andy for things he didn't do. My favorite is when Chucky writes on Andy's worksheet that says "F--k You Bitch!" to the teacher which causes teacher to lock Andy in the classroom (Is that even legal?!) while she calls his foster parents. Strangely before she sees Andy's paper, she's reading “Pinocchio” to the class and reads the part when the cricket tells Pinocchio not to lie so he can become a real boy. Why is that odd, because Chucky is a killer in a Dolls body and wants to get out of the body to be human again; his target is a little boy; and Chucky at one point tells Andy while he's locked in the school closet, to let him out and he won't kill anybody, which is clearly a LIE! Andy escapes from the doll and the doll kills the teacher by stabbing her with a ball pump and beating her to death with the ruler as she fakely screams. I'm going to be honest, I want Chucky to kill that bitchy teacher but sadly this is not what I had in mind, in fact the scene is more silly then the death of Aunt Maggie dying (From The first film), at least that scene looked more realistic than this scene.

By the way one of my favorite moments of Chucky posing as the Doll Tommy, is when he says Tommy catchphrase which is "Hi I'm", he then pauses for a second probably thinking "What The F--k was his name again?! Oh Yeah!", "Tommy want to play?". That scene always gives me a chuckle or at least a smirk on my face. Another one of my favorite scenes when he pretends to be a Doll is when he forces Kyle to drive him to Andy but they get pulled over by a cop. Chucky pretends to be a lifeless doll as the cops talking to Kyle, but once the cop notices the Doll he begins to smile, thinking that they're cute. However, blood is dripping out of Chucky's nose (Which means he's slowly turning human) and the cop asks why the Doll is bleeding. Kyle responds to the cop by saying "Have you seen Dolls that Pee? This one bleeds" and the cop buys it and let's Kyle be on her way. That's hilarious. Yeah some of the scenes of Chucky posing as a Doll are funny but most of them are scary because he hides his identity from the foster parents by making Andy look like a trouble maker (Or should I say murderer) and there's nothing Andy can do. Chucky heads to the right spot at the right time where the foster parents leave the doll to make the parents think Andy's crazy and on top of that he can sneak up on Andy off guard or in his sleep and perform the spell to transfer his soul into Andy's body.
Chucky gets Andy to leave the foster home by killing Phil by tripping him on the stairs, hanging him upside, and then dropping him which causes Phil's neck to break. Andy foster mom believes he did it and forces him to go back to the foster care center. After when Kyle discovers that the real doll was buried, Chucky kills the foster mom and forces Kyle to drive him to the foster care center. Kyle does outsmart Chucky but the doll makes it to the foster care center and causes a diversion by pulling the fire alarm, kills the head of the center, and kidnaps Andy.

The climax of the film takes place in the toy factory full of "Good Guy Dolls". Andy is finally in Chucky's grasps and Chucky starts chanting the spell. This scene is more thrilling then the first movie when Chucky almost finished the spell, because Chucky actually finishes the chant and just when you think he succeeded, Chucky is still in the Doll’s body and realizes he's trapped in the dolls body forever. As a result he tries to kill Andy and Kyle for revenge. This climax is more suspenseful then the climax in the first film because Chucky is chasing after them in a maze full of "Good Guy Dolls" and through hazardous machines and Chucky never stops trying to kill them. Chucky is just never going to give up! He loses his hand and replaces it with a knife; Andy and Kyle try to kill Chucky by sending him on a conveyor belt going backwards but he gets out of it; Chucky knocks Kyle unconscious and puts her on a conveyor belt to be killed; Chucky still comes after Andy after being poured with hot melted plastic; and even kills a factory worker and uses the dead body as a weapon. Man, he's just never ever going to give up, and that's one of the main reasons why I like Chucky so much. Yeah, how survives all this since he has full turned human does require a major suspension of disbelief, and if you can do that, you will find yourself enjoying this climax as much as I do.
Chucky finally gets killed when Kyle forces an air hose in Chucky's mouth which causes Chucky's head to explode and Andy and Kyle walk out of the factory wondering where to go. In an alternate ending a piece of Chucky's face falls into a tank of hot melted plastic and the machine creates a new "Good Guy Doll" with an evil smile.