If you read my review on "
South Park Season 1", then you know how I review TV Shows.
The first well known Batman was the campy TV show starring Adam West as Batman, and Burt Ward as Robin, with special guest stars playing the villains. The supporting cast is Neil Hamilton as Commissioner Gordon, Stafford Repp as Chief O' Hara, Madge Blake as Aunt Harriet, and Alan Napier as Alfred The Butler. The show didn't take itself as seriously as the Batman movies and shows that we are familiar with today. It was full of over the top and mellow-dramatic acting, fight scenes with words that pop out, Bat-Gadgets, Campy dialogue, Plot Twists, cheesy special effects, catchy music, Bat-Symbol Transition scenes, color and Cliffhangers between each two part Bat-Episode. After reading all this, it sounds dumb like a dumb show, and yeah, it pretty much is. But is it enjoyably dumb; ON WITH THE REVIEW
Since this whole season has two part episodes, I'll review each two part Bat-Episode together as one Bat-Episode.
In the show's pilot Bat-Episode; Batman and Robin have been tricked by The Riddler (Frank Gorshin) by making them think that he was committing a robbery, and sues them. The lawsuit will have Batman remove his mask in court, which he'll have no choice but to retire. However, the Riddler's plan of destroying Batman and Robin doesn't stop there. He plans to kill Batman, and steal something valuable from Gotham City's World Fair. The Riddler also has a woman named Molly (Jill St John) to help him with his plans of destroying Batman.
The plot started out good and seemed like an evil plan to have Batmans Identity legally be shown to the public, that is until The Riddler pushes his plan to try and kill Batman. I know The Riddlers twisted, but come on, he has him right where he wants him, and with Batman showing his true identity, Batman would have to retire. He also has Robin in his clutches and instead of taking Robin's mask off, he leaves it on, and starts making a masked face that looks exactly like Robin. I know the series would be over, but come on, the writers can think of something better than that. The writing wasn't all bad. The Riddles are clever, and the mysteries are solved almost like in a Sherlock Holmes novel. I'll give them credit for that. Another thing with the plot is I was expecting it to be about how Batman became Batman in the series, not being "Smack in the Middle" of the story, but they still fill you in on why Bruce Wayne became Batman through dialogue.
Adam West and Burt Ward as Batman and Robin actually remind of the comic- book version of them and act like how they would acted in the comic-books. Frank Gorshin in my opinion is the best Riddler of all time because of how he tells his Riddles; and his comical appearance of acting over the top and laughing like a maniac. He would actually probably make a good Joker as well. My favorite scene of him is the final scene at the end of the first Bat-Episode "Hi Diddle Riddle", that's where he really acts twisted and insane. I like all the other adaptations of The Riddler, but I think Frank Gorshin beats them all. Jill St. John did a fine job as well. What's funny about her character is almost everybody has the hots for her (including myself). Let me just say that I can't look at Robin the same way again after seeing her in this Bat-Episode. She really does look gorgeous, and actually looks the part. Neil Hamilton and Stafford Repp are funny as their characters, especially with how they speak in those stereotypical Irish accents. Alan Napier, and Madge Blank literally fit their roles of their characters just as perfectly as everyone else does, even though we see more Alfred than we do of Aunt Harriet.
As for the visuals and style that this first Bat-Episode brought to the series, it looks campy at best! The Bat-Mobile looks incredible (Well at least for this version of Batman), the sets look like a comic-book, and the cinematography can look actually pretty cool and cartoony at times. With that said about the cinematography, it can be horrible at times too, like in the scene when one of the main characters die. In fact, even the acting in that scene is bad, but for some weird reason I still felt bad for the person being killed. Of course, who could forget the awkward Batman dance......ILL, Batman dancing, what next?
The Bat-Episode was overall an alright start to the series, that could be better, but is still very enjoyable.
The Penguin (Burgess Meredith) has been released from Prison, and now owns an Umbrella shop as a front. The Penguin's plan is to make Batman think he has an evil plan (Which he doesn't), as he puts an Umbrella at the scene of a crime committed by his henchman (Which he calls his "Fine Feathered Finks"), and in the Umbrella is a Radio Transmitter. With the transmitter, he can hear Batman and Robin try to solve his false clues, which they suspect that the Penguin is going to kidnap a movie star, and hold her hostage for ransom. With The Penguin hearing the plan and how the duo suspect how he's going to do it, he plans to do what Batman and Robin predicted only this time he'll know what Batman and Robin are going to do.
This is indeed a cleverly written story. I love the idea to the Penguin's plot, and enjoy seeing the plot twists that happen throughout the Bat-Episode. The story didn't at all feel like the first Bat-Episode where everything starts out clever and then becomes a total mess of plot holes, the writing and humor supporting it does feel solid. Another thing I enjoy seeing throughout this Bat-Episode, are the many gadgets that Batman and Penguin carry such as a transistor microphones disguised as bugs, a Bat-Zooka, and dozens of Umbrellas with each having a different weapon. My favorite out of all the Gadget's and props that we see in this Bat-Episode has to be the Penguin Cuckoo Cuckoo Clock, just for how silly and cool it is.
Burgess Meredith in my opinion plays the best Penguin ever, by acting all fancy and devilish, while at the same time hamming it up, which is exactly what the character is. He sort of reminds of a James Bond Villain in a way with his classy and villainous personality. His Penguin laughs and grunts are not only priceless, but also show the animistic side of the character perfectly. My favorite scene in the entire Bat-Episode that involves the Penguin is when you see him in jail on a security camera in the beginning of the Bat-Episode, as he's already thinking of a plot. But before he can reveal his plan, he spots the hidden security cam, and breaks it. As for the Penguin's "Fine Feathered Finks" they too are fun watch, and how the Penguin and his henchmen work-off each other never seizes to not be enjoyable.
This Bat-Episode is fun to watch, is cleverly written, is full of good humor, has a nice Bat-Fight at the end of it, and Burgess Meredith's first on-screen portrayal as the Penguin is absolutely perfect!
The Joker (Cesar Romero) has escaped from prison, and plans to get Batman and Robin. The Joker has been outwitted by Batman's (Cool) utility belt so many times that he has made his own. With The Joker's utility belt, he can now outwit Batman just as easily as Batman has outwitted him. Due too many failures of getting The Joker, Batman is now being frowned upon the people of Gotham, including an 8 year old little boy (Off-Screen) who loves Batman.
Cesar Romero kept me entertained throughout the whole Bat-Episode. Every scene with him never seizes to make me frown. He's so fun, over the top, and villainous that Romero seems to be having a ball! Also the fact that The Joker now has a utility belt of his own, makes the villain even more interesting and fun to watch.
The writing is again written cleverly and has kept my interest from beginning to end. While I was watching the Bat-Episode I also noticed that it's full of action from beginning to end. However, most of the fight scenes don't have fight words popping out and without it; it can show the fake punches. Another thing I was ticked about is not seeing the kid who loves Batman. Come on, can we at least see one scene of him, instead of making him an Off Screen character.
Aside from a few flaws that are really just nitpicks, the Bat-Episode has good writing, it's action packed, the performances are great (Especially from Romero), and it's indeed a lot of fun.
Mr. Freeze (George Sanders) returns to Gotham City to
spread revenge on Batman for an accident in his lab that made him the way he is Mr.
Freeze is also stealing diamonds around Gotham City including
a diamond held by Princess Sandra (Shelby Grant).
George Sanders performance as Mr. Freeze (Who also plays the voice of one my
favorite Disney Villains Shere Khan from "The Jungle
Book") plays the role perfectly, well aside from sounding like the
voice actor Paul Frees. His performance is comical, threatening, evil, and graceful.
He's another one of those villains that reminds me of a James Bond
Villain, mostly in the scenes when we're in his hideout. He does what a Bond
Villain is known for' being villainous, but well-mannered and classy, has our
heroes eat dinner with him, and sitting down in his chair ordering
his henchmen to get his enemy. At some points you can even feel
the pity for him. George Sander's surprisingly doesn't say too much
Pun words that involve Ice, the Ice puns are mostly
said by Batman and Robin. This is a campy show and George Sander's
doesn't make that many Ice Puns; that shows that George Sander's
wants to keep his villain respectable and not look like an over the top villain, even if it's totally welcomed here.
He totally kicks Arnold Schwarzenegger’s (Who played Mr. Freeze in
Batman and Robin" the Movie) Ice Cold Ass as the character.
The performance of George Sander's is fantastic, but the Bat-Episode's
kind of stupid. The show is campy, but this one was below campy. The
Special effects (Mostly revolving around Mr. Freeze’s cool gun) make the
special effects in the past three Bat-Episodes look good. The
fighting between the five Batman's and five Mr. Freeze’s (henchman)
is so badly choreographed that you'd wish the fight words would cover the
whole fight. Even Mr. Freeze's Ice suit is lame, he looks like a Spaceman. The
writing was off numerous times throughout the Bat-Episode and seemed
like they just relied on Adam West, Burt Ward and George Sander's acting to
make it good. The only part of the writing that I found cool in the Bat-Episode
is that Mr. Freeze has a remote to heat rooms and spots in his hideout for
his henchmen, it's not incredible, but it's still a nice idea.
The Bat-Episode isn't as funny as the previous ones, but Sanders as Mr.Freeze is the reason why you should see it!
For the past few years in Gotham City, someone has always managed to rob the
bank on April First. It is up to Batman and Robin to find the criminal,and by
doing that they write a false headline in the Gotham City papers of the Money
that was stolen at the bank was counterfeit. The person that robed the bank is
Magician Zelda the Great (Anne Baxter) who works for Eivol Ekdal (Jack Kruschen) a
villainous craftsman.
To my surprise Zelda the Great isn't really the main Villain, the real
Villain is Eivol. Anne Baxter performance has actually touched me, because she really
shows that she doesn't want to be a Villain; she just wants to be an honest
Magician. I actually wanted Batman and Robin to get Eivol for making her do all
these crimes. She even helps Batman and Robin from time to time. Jack
Kruschen performance wasn't really one of those over the top Villains;
he's more of an A-Hole. Every scene of him just makes me want to jump
into the Bat-Episode and punch him in the stomach with a fight word
popping out.
The writing for the Bat-Episode is written differently than the last couple
of Bat-Episodes. This Bat-Episode doesn't really use to much of the shows campiness,
it actually treats itself seriously. It has its goofy and comic fun moments,
but mostly it wasn't anything like the last couple of Bat-Episodes I
seen. The parts I find amusing are the tricks that Zelda uses to commit her crimes,
and the climax of the Bat-Episode being one big Death-Trap that held me on to the edge of my seat. The
one thing I didn't like about the Bat-Episode is the sexist comments that some of the
characters make about a woman doing crime. Hello, you just mentioned Catwoman
in this Bat-Episode! What just because Catwoman can commit crimes that doesn't
mean other woman can do it too?
Overall, I admire how the Bat-Episode is amazingly different from the others I seen so far, which actually made making me forget about the campy atmosphere, and for that I'm rewarding this Bat-Episode by giving it a higher rating compared to the others I've rated.
King Boris (Reginald Denny) is visiting Gotham to bring a gift to a major monument in the city. However, The Riddler (Frank Gorshin) returns to Gotham for the ultimate ransom caper! Will Batman and Robin be able to out Riddle him?!
Frank Gorshin reprises his role as The Riddler and he still makes me say that "He is The Riddler", by doing all the best things that he did in the first Bat-Episode of the series. Reginald Denny fits the role of King Boris perfectly by acting royal and nice, even when being kidnapped. The Riddler's henchmen are funny especially when they boo at the TV when they see Batman and Robins image. In fact, some of the Riddlers henchmen looks like that have whiskers instead of a mustache, to make them appear like rats. The best member of the team is Mousey played by voice actress Susan Silo. Her disguise as a little girl in the beginning of the Bat-Episode at first made me think she was really a little girl, but as the Bat-Episode went on she's just the shortest member in the gang who has a squeaky voice, which I guess is why she's called Mousey. She's even thinks Batman and Robin are cute despite the fact she's on The Riddler's side.
As far as the Bat-Episode goes, it's campy but well put together. I find the cinematography to be good, especially with the close-up shots with The Riddler which helps show the insanity of his character. The story is as good as most of the other Bat-Episode's I reviewed and the fight at the climax is one of the best fights I've ever seen on the show. My only criticism is the result of the cliffhanger. Batman is tied to the spinning wheel, but he manages to get a blowtorch from his utility belt and burn the armature. The result was fine, it was just how the scene was directed that made it look bad. You clearly don't see Batman reach for the blowtorch while he's tied up, in fact, he’s right next to the reactor and his arms don't move a bit. You can also tell they're dummies spinning around on the wheel. Also, not to sound dirty, but the spinning makes their crotches look big and when Batman frees robin it doesn't look right. Must be Joel Schumacher's favorite part of this Bat-Episode and probably one of the many ideas to put crotch shots in his Batman Movies. The writing for the cliffhanger was good, it was just how the scene was directed.
Aside from the poorly directed Cliffhanger, the Bat-Episode is just good as the one with Zelda The Great.
The Mad Hatter (David Wayne) is back in Gotham for revenge for Batman testifying against him in court. He plans to steal all the hats of the people that were in the jury, while kidnapping them in the process. And plans to take Batman's Mask and throw him into a death machine.
David Wayne looks pretty freighting as the Mad Hatter, not for adults but more for kids who grew up watching this show. He reminds me of the Devil in a way except he's wearing a top hat with a beam that can knock out his victims. The death machine he made is also the coolest Death-Trap I've seen so far in the series. His gang however, are pretty boring, including the female of the gang Lisa (Diane Mcbaine). I was actually hoping his gang would be sort of an "Alice in Wonderland" themed type of gang, because after all he is called "THE MAD HATTER"!!!!!
This Bat-Episode is really nothing different than most of the Bat-Episodes on the shows, so there's really nothing that stands out about it, aside from Wayne's performance, which in all honesty isn't really that interesting of a villain, compared to the previous ones. However, it does have good story writing; campy effects, good Bat-Fights, a great colorful atmosphere, and funny over the top performances.
The Joker is released from prison and now is once again spreading crime in Gotham City
with vending machines, Jukeboxes, and games that have traps, hold stick ups, and
give away free things. Joker also gets help from Head Cheerleader Susie (Donna
Loren) to move the machines in a High School. It's up to Batman and Robin to
foil The Joker's plans.
This has to be one of my favorite Bat-Episodes in this season. I love that The
Joker is spreading crime through machines. At first I was thinking "Come
on, The Jokers giving free stuff, where's the crime?" but as the
Bat-Episode went on, the traps inside the machines got more interesting. Gambling with your life,
spreading knock-out gas, being programed to rob places, it's one of Joker best plans! Even Batman has
some cool gadgets of his own. Another reason why I love this Bat-Episode is because we
get to see more of Robin as his alter ego Dick Grayson. My favorite scene of
him as Dick is when he goes undercover, as he tries to act cool and tough. It's hysterical.
Cesar Romero does another spectacular job playing The Joker, as well as
making one of the best Villain entrances when you first meet him in this
Bat-Episode. Donna Loren as Susie was a delight to watch, and it surprises me that
a girl around her age would work with one of the best Batman Villains. I think
her best scenes have to be when The Joker gives her all these expensive items,
it literally shows why she's doing all this.
The Bat-Episode has tons of campy fun; however, the Bat-Episode did have its
flaws. For example The Joker's company where he makes the machines are called
"The One Armed Bandit Novelty Company", come on, the title of the
company has the crime written all over it, and plus with The Joker in charge of it! Surely send a couple of troops down to search out the place. There's also a
scene when Batman and Robin hesitate to go into a room to save a girl because
she's in "The Girls room". I know that's the fun of the show and
Batman and Robin respectfully follow the law and want the younger viewers to do
the same, but when someone’s life is on the line, it's necessary to bend the
rules. Faults aside, it’s still one of my favorites.
Master of Disguise False Face (Malachi Throne) is causing various crimes in Gotham City, and it is up to Batman and Robin try to stop False Face with the help of False Face’s assistant Blaze (Myrna Fahey).
False Face is a very mysterious villain, and what makes him so mysterious is that he can quickly disguise himself as anybody. You never even see the actors face, all you see is him either wearing a phony baloney mask, or in disguise as someone else (Played by a different actor). Even in the opening credits the actor's name is not mentioned, it only shows a question mark of who plays the special guest villain. Myrna Fahey as Blaze acts much like the character "Zelda The Great". The difference is when you first meet her you can tell she loves crime, but as the Bat-Episode moves forward you can see her slowly turn into a hero and shows that she's done with crime. She herself has disguises too at some points in this Bat-Episode.
As much as I found most of the writing good, I still felt like the Bat-Episode was missing something. The special effects are as below campy as the one with Mr.Freeze.The idea of the villain was cool, but the actor who played the villain wasn't as fun as all the previous ones. And the cinematography seemed a bit off most of the time. The cliffhanger result was also executed really badly. The Dynamic Duo are about to be killed by an extremely slow moving train (Which, I'll buy since its part of the fun of the show) and even though I liked that Alfred saved them (I won't say how) I have no idea how Blaze got to a broadcasting station in time to signal for help before the Duo can be crushed. I mean did she go to the station earlier, before she got captured by Batman, and paid for that announcement at that time, it's never explained. Knowing Batman, I'm sure he would radio Alfred for help, as shown in the Bat-Episode, but Blaze saving them also plays as an important plot point in the Bat-Episode. For something that big, I really have trouble suspending my disbelief to see past it.
Still, I can't say I hate the Bat-Episode, because its action packed and to be fair, I think False Face is as creepy as The Mad Hatter (To younger viewers). Close to getting a 2 but I just can't, however, I will say this is not a Bat-Episode that I will be watching again anytime soon.
Catwoman (Julie Newmar) has stolen numerous ancient golden cat statues. Luckily, Batman and Robin find Catwoman's lair, but are now caught in her claws. Can the Dynamic Duo escape and arrest Catwoman?
Julie Newmar as Catwoman, MEEEOOWWW is she gorgeous! My god does she look sexy in that outfit! But how's her portrayal as the character, it's Purr-fect! She's villainous, greedy, cocky, playful, and even acts like a cat. The best scenes of her are when she finally has Batman and Robin in her claws and starts toying with them. That's like the highlight of the whole entire Bat-Episode!
The Bat-Episode surprisingly has caught my suspense, which none of the previous Bat-Episodes have done, except when there's a freaking cliffhanger! Just like some of the other Bat-Episodes, it's campy but not too campy. The writing is purr-fect, the Bat fight is Purr-fectly choreographed, the set designs are strange and weird for Catwoman's maze looking hideout, and the cinematography is cattastic.
This Bat-Episode serves as a Purr-fect introduction to one of the best Batman villains ever, and if you haven't this one yet, you're missing out!

The Penguin is released from prison and has reformed himself into a hero. However, Batman and Robin suspect The Penguin's only pretending and is after something valuable.
This Bat-Episode is better than "Fine Feathered Finks/The Penguin's a Jinx" because The Penguin has a better plan to get rid of Batman and Robin and steal valuable things without no one suspecting him. He even steals The Batmobile (Which has our heroes ride The Batcycle) and almost has Chief O Hara and Commissioner Gordon kill the Dynamic Duo. The Penguin even has new killer umbrellas! And before you can ask me what I think Burgess Meredith portraying this villain a second time, he still does an amazing job!
Unlike most Bat-Episodes there's a lot of gunfire which makes the Bat-Episode pretty suspenseful. However, there were also parts of the Bat-Episode that had a few gaps that needed to be filled in. For example, Alfred thinks our heroes are dead and there's not a scene that shows our heroes telling him that they're alive. I know he'll eventually know, but please fill us in.
Aside from a few plot holes, this is another one of those Bat-Episodes that took itself seriously, but still kept it's fun campy charm.
The Riddler is back again and is after the lost treasure of the Incas. Batman
and Robin are on the case, but The Riddler has plans for the caped crusader and
the boy wonder by turning them into wax figures, after stealing wax figures of
the Dynamic Duo.
Frank Gorshin has twice as much energy as he did in the previous Bat-Episodes.
Every time you see him, he's bouncing off the walls with his crazy laugh. He
does all kinds of crazy things in the Bat-Episode such as causing vandalism
in a wax museum by using a wax figure of himself. Disguises himself as a wax
figure to capture the Dynamic Duo. And slowly dips our heroes to their doom so
he can enjoy every moment of it, as well as finding their death to be better than lost
treasure, what a maniac. He even finally steals the Batmobile.
The Bat-Episode was pretty much like all the other Bat-Episodes with all the
campy fun. Villain starts a small crime, tricks our heroes, ends with a
cliffhanger, which gets resolved in part 2, we finally get to see the villain's real plan, a
Bat-Fight breaks out, and you know the rest. The Riddler even has another girl
henchman who's in love with the Dynamic Duo, but she really has no character. In fact you can run the Bat-Episode without her. However, I will admit
this; The Bat-Fight at the end is actually one of the best Bat-Fights I
ever seen because we see Batman is using medieval contraptions to capture the
As standard as this Bat-Episode, Gorshin and the Bat-Fight that breaks-out in the end, is what makes it a must see!
The Maharajah (Dan Seymor) is visiting Gotham City, but plans are cut short when The Joker kidnaps The Maharajah for ransom. Can the Dynamic Duo save him?
This Bat-Episode is full of clever writing and plot twists. The story itself had me amazed. However, there were a few gaps in this story just like in the Bat-Episode "The Penguin Goes Straight/Not Yet, He Ain't". For example, what happened to the Joker’s moll Jill (Jane Wald). It's never explained what happened to her, and nor is there a point to her character either. She is just the average moll who loves Batman and Robin who does nothing, where you can run the whole Bat-Episode without her. However, while being a pointless character, still I would like to know what happened to the character midway through. Another disappointment in this Bat-Episode is the Bat-Fight wasn't interesting or fun to watch since it was was sped up. I even found the Bat-Episode sort of violent for kids, mostly having to do when we see Batman stab someone.
The best part in the whole Bat-Episode with the exception of the writing and stars, is Cesar Romero as the Joker, where he is still funny, villainous and insane as he was in the previous Bat-Episodes that appeared in. Best scenes of him are the opening, the cliffhanger, the little song he sings when he ties up Batman and Robin, and every time he laughs! Sadly, this is the last Bat-Episode of him for this season.
Aside from a few plot holes, a pointless character, and Bat-Fights that feel rushed; the story, the performances from the cast (Especially Romero), and the humor are still enough to make worth seeing!
A professor from "Yale University" has been hit in the head during a student riot and now thinks he's King Tut (Victor Buono). After our heroes thought he died in a warehouse fire a while ago, he's back and still not mentally healthy, as he plans to simply kidnap Bruce Wayne for ransom.
I'm going to be honest; I didn't think Victor Buono fits the role as a teacher thinking he's King Tut. He's a good actor, but I don't think the role is for him. I actually think Charlton Heston or Kirk Douglas would be a good choice to play him. It may be a campy show, but they managed to get fine actors for this show to play villain's or make cameos. I was expecting this villain to be like an evil king and be persuading, menacing, and fun to watch. Victor's performance wasn't anything like that; he acts and looks more like a fat lazy annoying Roman Emperor which feels out of character.
The Bat-Episode however, still kept its fun campiness, and for a change of fight scenery, we get to see Batman and Robin fight against King Tut's henchmen with swords. This Bat-Episode also has a bit of a twist for our Dynamic Duo. Instead of Robin being Kidnapped, its Batman who gets kidnapped, as Robin has to save him. We know that Batman can handle himself, but it's nice to see Robin try to save him for once.....well without being kidnapped in the process, or screwing anything up. The only part of the Bat-Episode that I found scary was -GULP- Batman does a little bit of the Bat-Dance.
The Bat-Episode was fun, but I think Victor Buono ruined it. His villain appears again in later Bat-Episode's (Which is weird because of the ending to the Bat-Episode) so maybe the character and the actor will be a lot better. For me this is not a first evil impression of the villain.
The BookWorm (Roddy McDowall) is in Gotham City to destroy the Dynamic Duo so he can pull off a crime that he's been planning. That's basically the whole plot, is the episode good?
Roddy McDowall does a tremendous Job playing the BookWorm. He's defiantly one of the best villain's in this campy series. The plot may not sound interesting, but it's because it mostly has to do with outsmarting the Bookworm. When I first saw him, he looked like a stupid looking nerdy villain, who I thought was going to be as uninteresting as King Tut . Well, you know what, I was wrong! He gives this Bat-Episode lots of twists and turns, as you find yourself at times thinking that it's literally the end of our heroes. I also love how this villain is like a walking Library, who remembers everything he's read and can read a big thick book in only a matter of seconds. However, the scene's that I didn't like him in is when he loses his temper. I know it's supposed to be bad over the top acting, but I didn't feel like it was necessary for this character.
Like most of the other Bat-Episodes it has a ton campy fun, has an excellent comic-book background with its coolcinematography; and it has a few new surprises that will be repeated in later
episode, such as some of the new Bat-Gadgets, and a cameo appearance of a celebrity
when our heroes climb up a wall.
It's definitely one of the best Bat-Episodes made this Season!
The Riddler is back in Gotham City and is once again causing crime as he's
also filming it. Thje Riddler also manages to kidnap Robin (AGAIN) as Batman has to try to stop the Riddler by himself. Can Batman find Robin, and foil the
Riddler's plans?
This Bat-Episode in my opinion is the goofiest one out of all
Bat-Episodes in this season! The idea that the Riddler is filming his
crimes is below twisted. It's stupid, the cliffhanger result sucks and was very
anti climatic, and the lead up to his big crime is a bit of a poor pay off.
This Bat-Episode is the start when the series is getting even campier. Yes, it
over throws the King Tut Bat-Episode by a long shot.
The Bat-Episode is stupid but the only things that made it fun to watch is
Frank Gorshin along with his silent movie impressions, even if the villain does have a dumb plan. I will
also admit that it was nice to have Commissioner Gordon visit the BatCave
and help out Batman, which was also pretty funny with its subtle humor.
I may have found the Bat-Episode stupid, but it was
still a lot of fun.
In this last Bat-Episode of Season 1, The Penguin has kidnapped Alfred and
brainwashed him. The Penguin plans to find out where the millionaire dinner is
going to be held and uses the help of a brainwashed Alfred to help him find out, so he can steal
the millionaire’s money. Can Batman and Robin stop the Penguin?
The writing in this Bat-Episode is another one filled with twists throughout the whole Bat-Episode. Burgess Meredith once again does an outstanding job as The Penguin, who's still as fun and villainous as ever. Julie Gregg as the moll Finella, at first I thought she was going to be the stereotype undeveloped female character like most of the Villain's moll on the show. However, as the Bat-Episode played on, instead of seeing her go with the flow, she actually cry’s about being on the villains side even when getting what she wanted. I also give a lot of credit to Alan Napier for playing a brainwashed Alfred, I really felt uncomfortable when I see him in this Bat-Episode, plus I like that this is one of those Bat-Episodes when we get to spend more time with him, instead of him making short appearances. The Bat-Fights are as fun and cleverly choreographed as most of the fun Bat-Fights that I praised during this season are. And as for the Bat-Episode's cinematography, its just as great bringing the campy 60s comic book feel like all the other Bat-Episodes. While being a really good Bat-Episode, it sadly however didn't feel like the last Bat-Episode for the season, it just felt like a normal Bat-Episode.
As much as I praised this Bat-Episode it still isn't what I was expecting to close the season. But for what it is, it's still very enjoyable!
As campy as the show is, the show is still famous for putting Batman on
the spot. To be honest Adam West and Burt Ward are the real Batman and Robin to
me. I love all the new Batman's too, well except for one maybe two (Done by the
same director who almost destroyed the Batman franchise) and I think all
of them play Batman in their own special way. As silly as the acting, special effects, and mostly everything that the
show's known for, the show wasn't supposed to take it self seriously, it
was supposed to be like a Comic Book coming to life, which would explain
why everything's so colorful and why we see fight words during
fights. The villains are also a lot of fun to watch especially Frank
Gorshin, Cesar Romero, Julie Newmar and Burgess Meredith, which is another reason why the show is so
memorable. Also notice that a lot of shows parody and reference this show for its campiness.
My favorite being "The Farily Odd Parents" of various
episodes of Adam West playing the role as Catman, which is obviously a parody
on this show. Even Adam West and Burt Ward did the voices of young
Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy on "Spongebob
Squarepants" which the characters are also a parody of this
shows version of the Dynamic Duo This show was one of the main inspirations for the
Batman movies we see today. However, there are tons of people who either
love or hate this show, I love it for what it is, but I would still give the
show an even rating due to the mixed reactions from audiences.